by Laura Osterman | Mar 16, 2021 | In The News
Carmine Valentino, Karrie Pacheco & Bob Alvine of Premier Subaru, presented Jane Ellis, Executive Director of the CT Cancer Foundation, with a check for $20,775.00 on May 26th. The donation represented the proceeds from the annual “Share the Love” event, in which...
by Laura Osterman | Mar 16, 2021 | In The News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Police Officers across the state raise almost $250K for No Shave CT Old Saybrook, CT – If you ran into a police officer in November, there may have been something different about them, BEARDS! Beginning on November 1st and running...
by Laura Osterman | Mar 16, 2021 | In The News
2020 Corn Maze at Lyman Orchards supports the Connecticut Cancer Foundation Old Saybrook, CT – August 29-November 1, 2020; Lyman Orchard’s corn maze helps CT cancer patients and their families! The iconic Statue of Liberty, a symbol that unites all Americans, was...
by Laura Osterman | May 14, 2020 | In The News
by Laura Osterman | May 3, 2019 | In The News
Hayden Reynolds & Kathryn Wayland of Reynolds Subaru, presented Jane Ellis, Executive Director and Terri Eickel, Director of Development & Special Events of the CT Cancer Foundation, with a check for $32,925.35 on April 22 in the dealership’s showroom in Lyme....